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The Introduction Of Anatomy and Physiology

The Introduction Of Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy is the study of the shape and composition of the body as a whole or parts as well as the relationship of the organs of the body with each other. Physiology is the science that studies the physiology or work of each of the body’s tissues or parts of the body tools.

Anatomy (from the greek anatomia, from anatemenin, meaning to cut) is the branch of biology that deals with the structure and organization of living things. There is also animal anatomy or zootomy and plant anatomy or phytotomy. Anatomy is also a science that studies the inner (internal) and outer (external) of the human body and its physical relationship with other parts of the body, and anatomy is also abranch of biology, example: studying the heart organ and its position in the body.

In the sense of biology anatomy is a science that studies the organizational structure in animals, growth, and humans or other definitions. Is a science that studies the structure or arrangement of the body of the organization and the relationship between parts of one with another. The anatomical position in the body is to stand upright, with the head, both eyes, and toes facing forward buth hands on one side of the body with palms open forward both feet are doched and pointing forward.

Anatomy is also the basis of knowing the physiology of the body pathology or structual changes related to disease. Without knowing the structure it will be difficult to understand the physiological processes of the body of a healthy person.

Meanwhile, physiology or physiology (read fa-al) is one of the brances of the branch of biology that studies the course of living systems. Which serves to discuss the basis of cell function at the lonik and molecular lever of living beings to the behavior of the whole body and the influence of its environment (ompound, and how they all interact to create life.

Herman Boerhaave is often called the father of physics because it is a text book work entitled institutiones medicae (1708) and his way of teaching that mirrors is leiden. The term physis is derived from the greek words physis and logos, meaning nature and story. The scientific method is used in physiology aims to study the physical and chemical functions of biomelukul, cell, tissues, organs, organ systems, and organization as a whole. The study of physiology began when anatomist william harvey described the existence of blood circulation in the 17th the century AD. Physiology the became a scientific discipline throught a text book entitled institunes riedicane (1708) written and tought by herman Boerhaave. Physiology does not care what kind of living creature is studied.

Other science have from physiology considering that this science is quite old. Some important derivaties are Bio chemistry, Bio physics, Bio mechiness, cell genetics, pharmacology. And tcophysiology. The devolopment of molecular biology influenced the study of physiology, animal physiology originated from the methods and equipment used in the study of human physiology other than human. Physiology grows widely using techniology from both of these.

All living things the large number of subject lod to research in the branch of animal physiology being more cuncentrated on understanding how features of physiology changed throught the evolutianory history of animals. Anatomy is the study of body structure and the relationship berween them. While pysiology is the science that studies the functioning of the body and how the body works, because the structure and function are difficult to separate, these two science will be studied together.