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Anatomy and Physiology in the Digestive System

1. mouth

The cheeks, tongue and palate frame the mouth, which is also called the oral cavity (buccal cavity). In the mouth that can function to help the digestive process including teeth, tongue, and ptiatin enzyme. The mouth is the first place where the digestive process takes place both chemically mechanically a carried out with the teeth and chemically working with the salivary glands.

2. Esophagus

Food that has gone through the digestive process in the mouth will then pass through the next stage of the process to the stomach, but before going to the stomach the food most first pass through the esophagus. The esophagus is a long and this channel through which food that has been chewed passes from the mouth to the stomach.

The esophagus has the same structure as the intestine and stomach. The structure is arranged by 4 walls in between:

  • Serous layer, Is the outermost layer consisting of blood vessels, lymph and nerves.
  • Muscle Layer, It is a smooth muscle that works without is realizing it.
  • Submucosal layer, In the form a layer of loose connective tissue that contains blood vessels, lymph, and mocous glands.
  • Mucosal Layer, The mucous layer is composed by stratified flattened apithelial calls and thin connective tissue.
3. Stomach (varticule)

The stomach is an internal organ that resembles the letter J located at the top of the stomach. The stomach is a digestive organ whose shape is filled with muscles and bloods vessels, while the size of the stomach varies depending on the posture of the body that has the stomach.

The hull is divided into five parts including

  • Cardiac, Is the upper end parts of the stomach that is directly related to the esophagus.
  • Fundus, Is an arch-shaped area at the top of the stomach and is located under the diafragma.
  • Hull body, Is part of the most important anatomy of the stomach and forms small with gastric enzymes.
  • Antirum, Is the lowest part of stomach, and its function as a place to accomo date food that has been digested before being channeled to the small intestine.
  • Pylorus, Is as a value that regulates that exit of food from the stomach to the doudenum.
4. Small Intestine

Kim released from the stomach will enter the small intestine. Which is the main digestive organ in the body. The wall of the small intentine consists of fovy layers that are similar to ather organ in the digestive system. However, the small intestine has three unique features, namely circular flods, villi, and microvilli. In addition the mucous layer between the villi is decorated with deep fissuren gaps loading. Respectively, to the tubular intestinal glands.

5. Colon

Is the terminal part ofthe digestive tract. The main function of this organ is to complate the obsorption of nutrients and water, nensythesis of certain vitamins. Farming feces and removing feces from the body. The large intestine runs from the apindix to the anus. It frames the small intestine from three sides. Although it is about half the lenght of the small intestine, it is called large because it ismore than twice the meters of the small intestine, about three detailed.

The digestive process in the human digestive tract includes two processes, namely mechanical and chemical digestion. Mechanical digestion is the digestion carried out by the teeth in the mouth, while chemical digestion is the digestion that involues enzymes.

Digestive Organ in The Human Body

Auxiliary digestive organs are those organs that do not function directly, but complement the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Additional digestive organs are the mouth, liver, pancreas and gall bladder. Here’s explanation:

  • Mouth, Is part of the main digestive organs. However, the mouth also has an additional part of the digestive organ.
  • Liver, Is the largest grandular organ in the body. Main function is to filter out harmful substance in the area.
  • Pancreas, The pancreas is near the stomach. The pancreas functions to produce prancreatic fluid and the hormone insulin.
  • Gall bladder, These sacs produce bile containing bilirobin. This SAP will be released in the small intestine and plays a role to emulsify fat to make it esier for the body to digest.
How To Maintain Health In The Digestive System

The gastrointestinal system must be able to function properly in order for the body to function normally not only that, a healthy digestive system will also help maintain your overall health.

In order to prevent disturbances in the digestive process, you can apply the following tips:

  • Eat lots of fibor.
  • Taking probiotics.
  • Limiting fat consumption.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Not sleeping after eating.
  • Actively moving
  • Manage Stress well.