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Physiology of The Digestive system

Physiology of The Digestive system

Main Function of The Digestive System

According ziser (2014), every body definitely needs nutrients that are obtained from useful food cells in the body. Nutriens are useful for the synthesis process, or sugars used to form energy. The main functions of the digestive system is to digest food either physically or chemically, the process of absorption, collecting and removing componets from food that are not needed (leftover food).

Ingestion (ingesti)

The presence of solid or liquid substunces that enter the stomach. The normal route of digestion is throught the oral cavity or mouth.


mIs the movement of food at the end of the digestive tract to another, the amount of time in takes in the digestive process is about 24-36 hours.


There are contraction called segmental contractions, where contraction mix and emerge into the small intestine.


After food enters the gastrointestinal tract, secretion aim to lubricate, liquery, and digest food. Mucus is secreted along the gastrointestinal tract, there by dilating food and along the ducts. Enzymes are secreted by the mount, stomach, intestine and pancreas to break down large food molecules into smaller molecules that can be absorbed in the intestine wall.

Mastication (Chewing)

The process by which food enters through the mouth and is chewed by the teeth. The process of mastication is to convert large amounts of food into a number of small particles that are able to digest the body with food entering the mouth, it can stimulate receptors that can activate the refleks which causes the muscles of the mastication to relax. The muscle is pulledd simultaneously whit the lowering of the mandible, and the pulling of the muscle can activate the reflex that causes the contraction of the mastication muscle. If the mouth is closed, the food will re-stimulate the muscles of the mastication relax and the mastication process occurs again.


The break down of large organic molecules into components: carbohydrates into monosaccharides: proteins into amino acids: and trigyserides into fatty acids an glycerol. Digestion occurs from the digestive mechanism consisting of mastication and mixing of food, and chemical digestion carvied out in the presence of enzymes secretedin the gastrointestinal tract. Minerals and water do not break down before absorption. Vitamins are also absorbed without being digested and will lose its function if ingested. Physical digestion (breaking large pieces into smaller preces), while chemical digestion (breaking large molecules (protein, fats, starches) into amino molecules (amino acid, fatty acids, sugars).


Movement of molecules out of the gastrointestinal tract and into the circulation or lymphatic system. The mechanism of absorption appears depending on the type of molecules that enter the gastrointestinal tract. Molecules exit through the gastrointestinal tract by processes such as diffusion, active transport and contransport.


The process by which the waste products of digestion are removed from the body. Duving this process a lot happens in the large intestine and absorbs water and salt and replaces material in the digestive tract into semisolids, this semisolids product called fase, which in then removed from the gastrointestinal tract by a process called defication.