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The General Illustration Of Rosella Plants

The General Illustration Of Rosella Plants

A. The Understanding of Rosella Plants

Rosella ( Hibiccus Sabdariffa ) is a various plant bushes comes from Africa, but now has many cultivate in tropical and subtropical area. Such as India and South Asia and Indonesia. Many parts of this plant has useful to be any food, but the more popular kind of rosella which useful is it flower.

The beautiful red rosella flower is usual useful as flower planting which now has many cultivate in Indonesian perhaps comes from African Continent. This rosella plant has many benefit to exceed many kind of sickness it can severe illness or weight illness. This rosella plant guess has been brought by indian merchant at moment his come to Indonesia about 14 century. Previously, rosella grows in florida and used as hedge in summer. More than 100 kinds of rosella plant dispersed in the whole of world. Sabdariffa and Altassima Webster are two most famous varieties. The diference between two sepal are sabdariffa’s sepal is not able to consume.[1]

In Indonesia, Rosella has known since 1992. Rosella plant grow fertile especially at rainy season.[2] Rosella plant usually used as benefits which useful for human. The benefit of medicine’s plant is never change if by the right processing.[3]

Rosella grown by it seed, this plant can grow in tropical and subtropical climate territorial. This plant can grow in beach area until the higher area 900 m on surface of the sea. The fruit of rosella flower has cone shape, red colour and has little hirsute which devide into five spaces.[4] The shape its seed looks like the kidney. From in side its colour is white it the seed is unripe and its grey it flower seed is ripe.[5]

Read Too: The Benefit Of Rosella Plant

Rosella flower is a single flower, the flowers appear from the axillary of the leaves and has a bright red colour. This flower has 8-11 hairy petals, 1 cm long, the bases are attached to each other. These flower petals are often regarded as flower by the public. This is what is often used as a food and beverage ingredrent.

B. The Indetification Types of Rosella Plants

Commonly, many people known rosella based its colour of the flower, there are three types of rosella that are often found in the ground, there are :

1. Red Rosella

Red rosella, calyx bright red, strong stems not easily broken, fingering leaves, dry calyx bright red and strong in colour.[6]

2. Purple Rosella

Purple rosella ( some call it burgundy, sudan rosella, black rosella or purple rosella), dark red in colour, slightly more hairy then-red, with thick and slightly rounded leaves, easily broken stems. Dry calyx is blacklish red in colour.

3. White Rosella

White rosella, yellowish white calyx with fresh green seed capsules, rounded leaves, slow growth, strong stems.[7]

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C. The Planting Systems of Rosella Plants

Planting land for rosella plant is an important factor for the growth and development of rosella plants. Soil has elements that are very important for the growth of the rosella plants. There fore, it is very important to pay attention to the preparation of planting lands in order to support the quality and increase of rosella flower yield. The land for planting must be controlled freavently, so that the water is neither dry nor too wet. The planting system that is the condition for growing this plant includes :[8]

1. Climate

Climate is the main factor for the survival of the rosella plant, another water, mineral, and sun light intensity. A good planting time is at the beginning of the rainy season for the growth of young rosella plants. Rosella plants do not require special care or attention as long as the soil condition are fertile and well structured.[9]

2. Temperature

Rosella plants grow optimally in area with an altitude of 600 meter above sea level. More higher than the sea level, the growth of rosella will be disrupted. Rosella can grow in tropical and subtropical area with an average temperature of 24-32. However, red rosella is tolerant in a temperature range of 10-36. to produce optimal growth and development, rosella takes 4-5 months with a night temperature unless than 21.[10]

3. Water

If the rain fall is in sufficient it can be over come with good irrigation. The dry period required for rosella for flowering and seed production. Mean while, rain or high humidity during harvest and drying can reduce the quality of flower petals and can reduce production.[11]

4. Soil

Rosella plants can be cultivated in all kind of soil, but are most suitable for fertile and loose soil, meaning those that has a deep structure, light textured, and are well drained. Rosella can still be tolerant of acidic and slightly alkalin soil, but is not suitable for planting in saline or high salinity soils.

5. Planting Space

The size of the plant spacing depends on the type, planting time, and the level of soil fertility. Rosella plant nurseries are only separate from other mature plant 5. This is due to pests and disease in plant that move easily.[12]

6. Planting Time

Rosella plant is one type of flowering plant depending on the season with a planting period about 3 to 4 month. Rosella plant bloom according to the season. The symetoms of seasonal flowering are closely related to the length of the day. If the rosella is planted between September and January, it will flower in April. To achieve optimum result, the planting time for rosella is carried out during the long day, the best time to plant rosella for fiber in java is mid-August and late October.

7. The Rosella’s Seed

The seed used should be from the harvest because the seed growth has reached complete growth. Choose the big seed to bring plant by the stronger and fresh sprout.[13]

8. Harvesting Process

The rosella plant can be harvested since the beginning of planting which only takes about 3 month. Furthermore, this plant can continue to produce flower until the plant dries up and dies by it self.[14]

[1]Najih Anwar, et al, Pembelajaran Kewirausahaan Islami, Melalui Pemanfaatan The Rosella ( Jawa Timur : Nizamia Learning Center, 2019 ), p. 26

[2]Reny Rahmati, Budidaya Rosella Strategi “Memanen Uang dalam 4 Bulan (Yokyakarta : Pustaka Baru Press, 2012), p. 93

[3]Najih Anwar, et al. Op. cit., p. 24

[4]Najih Anwar, et al. Op. cit., p. 25

[5]Najih Anwar, et al., Op. cit., p. 27

[6]Zahra Haidah, Edumania Si Cantik Rosella : Bunga Cantik Berjuta Khasiat (Jakarta : PT Kencana, 2010), p. 54

[7]Zahra Haidah, Loc. Cit., p. 11

[8]Najih Anwar, et al., Op. cit., p. 32

[9]Zahra Haidah, Loc. Cit., p. 11

[10]Reny Rahmawati, Budidaya Rosella, Strategi “Menamen” Memanen Uang dalam 4 Bulan (Yokyakarta : Pustaka Baru Press, 2012), p. 152

[11]Reny Rahmawati, Loc. cit., p. 152

[12] Najih Anwar, et al., Op. cit., p. 32

[13]Ibid., p. 36

[14]Ibid., p. 43